Much of the prayer of the Church of England is corporate, that is to say we do it together and this is reflected in much of what you will say when you recite Morning Prayer or Evening Prayer. Yet there is another side to our prayer life, our own individual prayers, as we try to share in Christ’s prayer to his Father, that his will be done, his kingdom come.
The advice we provide here was originally written for a children’s book. However, whether you are a child, young person or an adult, prayer is easier than you might imagine! Millions of people of every age pray every day.
You don’t have to know any prayers if you want to pray – in fact, words can often get in the way. Picture Jesus, and then say what is in your heart, what you feel.
There are several different prayer groups that you would be most welcome to come along to. They are all weekly and all year round unless specified. There are also great online resources to help you pray:
Lectio 365 - mobile app
Anytime – Pray one for me
Daily Prayer – Join us every day online for morning and evening prayers that suit you…
Whether something important is happening in your life, or you just need a little help from God. We believe that God listens to our prayers today and acts on them and we would love to pray for you in all situations. Share with us what you need prayers for and our community will pray for that. You are also invited to pray for others.