Who we are
Exminster Parish Church is at the heart of our village, with a big heart to love and help our community. People have been coming here to worship God for hundreds of years—since as early as the 1100s—and we still share God’s love with everyone today.
We’re here for you if you want to have a wedding, christening, or funeral, and you’re also welcome to join us at any of our services. On Sundays at 10 am, we have a worship service where we take part in Holy Communion on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month.
On the 1st and 3rd Sundays, we also have a smaller, more informal service with discussions from 6 to 7 pm at the Emmanuel Chapel, next to Berrybrook Motors. Right now, we’re talking about how understanding our feelings can help us grow closer to Jesus.
We are part of the Five Red Churches Mission Community and we meet together every 5th Sunday. We also love to work closely with Exminster Methodist Church.
Meet some of the team:

Rev. Vanessa Pestridge

Barbara Edmund
01392 832436
Joan Markham
01392 832704
Rev David Robinson
Retired Clergy
Rev Richard Jeffery
Retired Clergy
John Trickett
Licensed Lay Minister
Faith Wood
Licensed Lay Minister
Val Trickett
Pastoral Support Coordinator
Adrian Wood
Parish Safeguarding Lead
PCC Members
Barbara Edmond
Joan Markham (secretary)
Patricia Dowling
John Trickett
Jenny Harrow
Linda Thorley
Francis Jeffree
Sheila Laxton
Faith Wood (Deanery Rep)​